3 steps
to an effective workplace
TenanTeam’s tools provide an objective analysis of employees’ subjective needs, supporting companies in the three stages of creating a workplace.
Search & Lease
Tailored space
Our technology allows you to analyze the largest database of properties to match the needs of your team.
Find the space
Fit out
Design and fit out an office, warehouse or store
We will connect your business with the best designers and equipment suppliers in the location of your choice.
Create the space
Organize your space's support
Take advantage of a database of managers, service providers and other providers who provide continuity and comfort.
Operate the spaceDo you have a commercial property or are you a service provider ?
Do you have an office, warehouse or retail space for lease? Do you offer products and services for tenants? Join TenanTeam today and create with us the largest market base for commercial real estate.